AttList's, DOpus listviewgadget, popup menus

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  AttList routines are a cheap way to do some List handling. If you want 
  to sort something or even to set the value for DOpus listviewgadgets, 
  they provide an easy handling of the list and the node names. Some of 
  this routines does also work on "normal" list's and so they remain 
  interesting for other things. 
  The DOpus listviewgadget is a powerful replacement for the standard 
  listviewgadget. You may make the entries checkable, show them in 
  different colour or even use doubleclick events for additional work. 
  Of course you may also use the standard actions/events within this 
  gadget. Take a look here in the include file dopus/layout.h - it 
  is really worth to do it since not all of the tags for the DOpus 
  listview are mentioned in the SDK... 
  Here we open a window (command "GetDirEntries") with a listview, which 
  does show the contents of the supplied directory - directories and 
  files are shown in different colours. If you doubleclick on a 
  directory this will be scanned in (means also a kind of a lister in 
  name mode...). The list is normally sorted, but you may use the buttons 
  Up, Top, Down and Bottom to manipulate entries in this list - this 
  shows the using of the AttList functions in the source. 
  So go on to this heavy source... :) 

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